Nokia Lumia - Windows Phone Werbespots & Songs
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Werbung von Nokia ist immer gut, und die guten Spots zur Lumia Serie sind zahllos
Jeden Tag treten mehr als 1,3 Milliarden Menschen durch Nokia Geräte miteinander in Kontakt
Nokia Lumia 900 - Jed Cullen skates Barcelona
To celebrate the launch of the new Nokia Lumia 900 at Mobile World Congress 2012, Nokia challenged a skateboarder, Jed Cullen to try out the Lumia 900 around the city of Barcelona
1. die Launchkampagnen:
UK Launch feat. Deadmau5, amazing free light show @ Millbank Tower (London)
future of live events - Nokia, UK
Französische Nokia Lumia 800 Launch Kampagne:
Nokia Lumia - The Amazing Calls
Song: Awolnation - Sail
links: das Musikvideo dazu (Fake, aber gut - können 7 Mio Nutzer irren?), und
rechts: das offizielle Video
Shawna: you think we could make rain using a hose duct taped to a pole?
Tessa: I don't know. Let's try it.
Put people first feat. Wind Skating, Eggs & Bacon, Gangster Ironing ...
The Amazing Everyday - Nokia Lumia 800 Smartphone
Song: Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs - Garden
und behind-the-scenes:
We found Marciano online performing his original "How gangsters iron" clip and invited him from The Bahamas to LA to be in our film. He agreed, but like all good gangsters only if he could bring his mum.links - Gangster Ironing
rechts - und das Original "How Gangsters Iron"
2. die Features & Apps:
Introducing Nokia Lumia - The Amazing Everyday
Windows Phone ist die neue Smartphone-Plattform von Microsoft. Sie stellt mit frischem Design, neuartigen Bedienkonzepten und nahtloser Integration von Diensten den Benutzer und seine Bedürfnisse im Privat- und Berufsleben in den Mittelpunkt - Microsoft
links:Skype Beta
rechts: Office und Mail
3. Livestyle:
Windows Phone - We Love WP7
Song: Danger - 11h30
Windows Phone - "Me" Kampagne
(a single day in an everyday person’s life)
Musik Video für Kurt Vile's "Baby's Arms"
(filmed entirely on Windows Phone)
die Liebesgeschichte zweier Jugendlicher in Ihrem Alltag in East LA
Song: Kurt Vile's - Baby's Arms, Album: Smoke Ring for my Halo
Location: Los Angeles
links: Lumia im Musikvideo, Tinchy Stryder Ft. Pixie Lott - Bright Lights (Official Video)
rechts: Telus - 100% cool, Song is: MC Hammer - U can't touch this
4. die Developer:
nach Mango (Halbjahr 2/2011) kommt Tango (H1/2012) und Apollo (H2/2012, Windows Phone 8 mit Windows 8 Kernel)
Nokia with Windows Phone: Dive into development
Smarter mobile apps are built with Windows Phone 7.5
App Revolution - Windows Phone feat. Nokia Lumia

Windows Phone smokes your phone

A campaign from Microsoft repeats what many reviewers have noted about Windows Phone: It’s comparable or better than its iPhone and Android-based competitors. The effort shows Microsoft evangelist Ben “The PC Guy” Rudolph who bets consumers $100 that Windows Phone is faster than their phone.
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